Johan Reivén

Hardcore Superstar

Johan Reivén


Paiste Artist Since
September 2024


Main Affiliations
Hardcore Superstar

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„I’ve always preferred Paiste over all other for the the way they cut through a dense heavy drum sound. It’s the sound of the drum masters I grew up with and what I am beyond satisfied and proud to play myself. These beautiful handcrafted pieces of metal helps me deliver every beat, in everyones face, every night!“



Johan Reivén started playing drums 1985 and was nationally first known around the turn of the millennia for his work with Swedish lyric band LOK. He has done studio work for Backstreet Boys, Thåström amongst other artists and has his own drum recording studio service [Bombastik Drum Recordings] in Gothenburg, Sweden. Since 2023 he has been playing drums for HARDCORE SUPERSTAR.

Setup Cymbals

  • Details

    Sizes: 20"
    Volume: Loud
    Weight: Heavy

    Sound character: Fairly bright, metallic, raw, full, energetic, cutting. Fairly narrow range, complex mix. Heavy feel, strong, loud ping over controlled, raw, full wash, piercing, loud bell. For extreme ride playing.

  • Sounds
  • Details

    Sizes: 18", 20"
    Volume: Loud
    Weight: Heavy

    Sound character: Full, forceful, powerful, slightly trashy. Wide range, fairly complex mix. Rather soft playing feel. Hefty, powerful attack with a saturated, menacing crash sound. Quite deep, beefy bell sound. Strong, loud, yet unintrusive cymbal. Ideal for crash ride patterns in very loud settings.

  • Sounds