Florian Holoubek


Florian Holoubek


Paiste Artist Since
April 2000


Main Affiliations
Annett Louisan
Dancing Stars

Other Affiliations
Falco Tribute
Session Drummer
Blue Man Group
Tim Neuhaus & The Cabinet


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Setup Cymbals

  • Details

    Sizes: 18", 20"
    Volume: Medium
    Weight: Light

    Sound character: Fairly dark, warm, breathy. Medium wide range, slightly complex mix. Soft feel; very responsive. A dynamic, full and velvety crash cymbal for a wide range of musical styles. Also well-suited for mallet applications.

  • Sounds
  • Details

    Sizes: 18", 20"
    Volume: Medium
    Weight: Medium

    Sound character: Aggressive, bright, energetic, trashy. Medium range, complex mix. Responsive feel, explosive attack. Powerful, cutting effect cymbal for exotic accents. A good cymbal for noisy crash riding at higher volume levels.

  • Sounds
  • Details

    Sizes: 14", 15"
    Volume: Loud
    Weight: Heavy

    Sound character: Bright, powerful, crisp. Fairly narrow range, clean mix. Heavy feel. Bright, cutting open sound, clear, defined closed sound. Crisp chick sound. Bright hi-hat with a wide range for articulate playing in medium loud settings to cutting power in very loud situations.

  • Sounds
  • Details

    Sizes: 10", 8"
    Volume: Medium
    Weight: Light

    Sound character: Dark, soft, warm, fast. Wide range, complex mix. Very soft feel, very responsive. Delicately whooshing effect cymbal with a round, balanced decay for short accents in low to moderate music settings.

  • Sounds